Thursday, February 16, 2012

[PreEnv][N900] Basketmania By NO2 [New]

Warning: This Game requires Preenv to Work. So follow these steps to install it first, before installing the game.

How to install Preenv?

You must be conneted to internet over wifi or 3G or another method to have internet.

Gain root access and use apt-get in the terminal:
$ sudo gainroot
# apt-get install preenv
# exit 
OR If you got problem installing preenv, follow these steps:
$ sudo gainroot
# apt-get -f install
# apt-get autoremove
# apt-get clean

# apt-get update
# apt-get upgrade # apt-get install preenv 
Don't Worry, preenv Icon will not appear in the menu. After installing it, just install the games.


After installing the Game, Open the Terminal then type:

gconftool-2 --set --type int /apps/preenv/main/screen_rotation 1
press enter then close the terminal. You are ready to launch the Game.

Enjoy basketball with this new game from NO2.
With three play modes, Basketmania is the most addictive basketball game out there.

Hold your finger on the ball and slide it to adjust power and direction. The dots mark the beginning of the trajectory.

• THREE play modes: ⁃ Straight shots ⁃ Time limit ⁃ Training
• Built-in Physics Engine delivers the most realistic basketball experience
• Also compatible with TouchPad!
• Share your results on Facebook and Twitter!

Download It Here

Or Here

CuteTube for Nokia N900

CuteTube is a Youtube client for our Nokia N900, with some very interesting features for browsing Youtube, like the ability to download our favorite videos. Without doubt, the best Youtube application for Maemo.

CuteTube for Nokia N900-ytube-maemo-nokia-n900-meego-meegoexperts-3.jpg
  • Browse, search, play and download YouTube videos. Media Player and MPlayer are currently supported for playback, with Media Player giving the best performance in my tests.
  • Rate videos and view/add comments.
  • Manage your YouTube account(s). You can add multiple accounts and switch between them dynamically.
  • Create, edit and view your playlists, subscriptions and favourites.
  • Create an ‘on the go’ playback queue, which can also be saved as a YouTube playlist.
  • Full auto-rotation support in all windows and dialogs.
CuteTube is available in the Extras-Devel repository. To learn more about repositories,

Maemo, the operating system of Nokia N900, has 3 repositories of applications. Repositories are Extras, Extras-Devel, and Extras-Testing and in each are grouped the applications according to their compatibility and the result of the test in Maemo.

Repository Extra.

In the N900 the repository Extras is pre-configured but is not compatible with the current firmware. The user has to allow this repository before use. Extras is a repository where they are applications that are tested properly and compatible, with a perfect functionality.
If you erase this repository you can return to install it. In applications manager we create the catalogue with the following information:

  • Catalogue name: Extras
  • Web address: Index of /extras/
  • Distribution: fremantle
  • Components: free non-free
Also you can do click here on your N900 to install it automatically.
Repository Extra-Testing.

This repository adds manually. Extras-Testing contains the new applications that have not yet been tested and verified.
In applications manager we created the catalog:

  • Catalogue name: Extras-Testing
  • Web address: Index of /extras-testing/
  • Distribution: fremantle
  • Components: free non-free
Also you can do click here on your N900 to install it automatically.
Repository Extra-Devel.

This repository also adds manually. In Extras-Devel we find applications in the early stages of development or version “alpha”. This repository is the least indicated for the end users, since its operation can have too many problems.
To install the repository Extras-Devel we are going to applications manager and created the catalog with the following information:

  • Catalogue name: Extras-Devel
  • Web address: Index of /extras-devel/
  • Distribution: fremantle
  • Components: free non-free
Also you can do click here on your N900 to install it automatically.

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